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Dietitians NT Nutrition Science Blog

There is a mountain of nutrition information available online these days, it can be extremely overwhelming and confusing. Unfortunately, there is little regulation regarding what individuals can post on this topic. Even more so, there is no regulation of who can call themselves a nutritionist.

Fortunately, there are strict requirements to become a Dietitian. Dietitians undertake a minimum of 4 years university study and cover topics such as biochemistry, physiology, human biology, and a undertake a range of placements from private practice, hospitals, food service, and research. Dietitians are required to adhere to continuing professional development criteria every year to keep there accreditation. They must also comply with Dietitians Australia guidelines which includes only providing evidenced-based clinical nutrition practice. This nutrition science blog is written by Accredited Practising Dietitians so you can rest assured it provides sound clinical nutrition information backed by evidence. 

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